Amusement parks are not my favourite activity. We have been visiting to many, and when you’ve been to the ones like those in Orlando and Paris, then you’ve kind of been there done that. Wasalandia, Grøna Lund and Liseberg, Legoland, Djursland and many more smaller ones in our neighbour countries, been there done that. It’s fun for the children, but having passed 50 I find myself sitting in the amusement park Tusenfryd outside of Oslo, longing for the mountains in Northern Norway. This picture seems like I’ve persuaded Beatrice and my to copy my attitude, but it’s just a break in-between being amused😊
Back to the mountains. It feels like there is a part of life that just haven’t been paid the attention it should. For some years the daily agenda has been filled up with putting myself second. Our place to relax has been at our “second home” on the Island Fleinvær. Idyllic and fantastic, it’s a paradise, but the mountains are just in the horizon on the mainland – so I’ve found myself many times longing to be in the horizon. The autumn in the mountains is special. Picking berries and fishing trout and artic charr. Feeling how the weather gets more and more cold. Waking up in the mountains with early autumn sun while the air has this special coldness that make you feel alive. Luckily my wife also wants to join. I like the experience of us doing things together. The last part of the summer when arriving at home, we will do both – Fleinvær and the mountains. Fleinvær and mountains – the don’t exclude each other – they both make life better! To make me also feel Fleinvær-mood when sitting and wondering about life at teh amusement park - this "general" came and visited me.
Isabell and me left the park earlier than the others. I like our teenagers and grandson to enjoy themselves with activities they want to do, and my wife Randi stayed with them – and she had the car. Isabell and me went back to Bogstad camping by bus taking one hour. Back “home” I started making dinner – taco – that was ready when the last part of the pack arrived around 1900. Tomorrow it is back to Anders and Skeno to get the new sitski to take with us and test. Maybe Isabell will use it up Lysebotn.
Tomorrow Beatrice will leave us. She goes by plane back to Bodø. Its time for summerjob and start filling the pockets with money for the first year at University, to become a kindergartenteacher.
By the way, there was an article about Isabell in one of the newspapers in Bodø today about her walk to Galdhøpiggen. It is in Norwegian – and in addition its for subscribers only. However, The newspaper is Bodø Nu.